How to Proactively Heal After Breast Cancer Treatment Without Constantly Worrying About Your Health


This training you will be able to:

  • Conquer Post-Treatment Challenges like swelling, tingling & numbness, restricted movement from scarring and radiation fibrosis, neuropathy, joint pain, fatigue and frustrating menopausal symptoms so that you can goodbye to the obstacles that have held you back and step into a brighter, healthier futuRE.

  • Tap into Expert Guidance so that you can address common recovery challenges, receive valuable weekly insights, and connect with women who have encountered similar post-treatment obstacles.

  • Reclaim Your Life so that you can return to work sooner by overcoming barriers to exercise, normal every day activities and address intimacy and body image concerns with confidence.

  • Navigate Emotions and Self-Care so that you understand the emotional aspects of your journey, manage fear of recurrence, and establish a tailored self-care routine for healing.

After watching the full training you'll have confidence in knowing you're doing all the best things to feel better.

Take charge of your breast cancer recovery so you can enjoy a vibrant and healthy life!

I understand your challenges.

Over the past 8 years as a Mastectomy Aftercare specialist, I’ve been helping women navigate their often overwhelming cancer experience through the use of speciality massage, Lymphoedema prevention/management, scar care, and complimentary self-care practices.

Want to find out more? REGISTER NOW to see how YOU can walk away with a healthier mindset and new tools to support a happier, less fearful life.